Pedro Jacobi
Nome :


Pedro Jacobi , Data Nascimento: 27/3/1950


Endereço completo: CAIXA POSTAL 8545 CEP 70312-970 SHS Q2 BL B TERREO
Cidade: Brasília/DF
Endereço de sua  Home Page:
Graduação, mestrados, pós-graduação: EDUCATION

 BSc. Geology, Honors Degree - UFRGS '71, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil

 Other Courses:  Introduction to Fortran - UFRGS, '71;  Gossan Course - Rhodes University-South Africa, '78; Minerals Exploration Course - Shell International, The Hague, '79;  Nickel Sulphide Deposits in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks - University of Pretoria/ South Africa, '79;  Mineral Economics - South Africa, '80;  Negotiating Skills Course - Rhodes University, South Africa, '80;  Grade Control/Ore Reserve Estimation -South Africa, '80;  Finance Course - University of Cape Town - South Africa, '81;  Industrial Relations/Negotiation Strategies -Brazil, '84;  Gold Exploration Course- Queen's University - Canada, '86;  Executive Course- Queen's University - Canada, '97

Outros Cursos: LinkedIn

Área de atuação preferencial ou especialização: MAIN OBJECTIVES

 Managing successful world class mineral exploration programs, project evaluation, projects acquisition. Negotiations. Management and creation of successful international mining exploration companies.


Histórico Profissional:  CAREER HISTORY:
  • President, co-founder of O2iron Mineração Ltda (2011 - Today)
  • CEO, co-founder of Jacobi Mineração Ltda (2002-Today)
  • Director, co-founder of Boa Vista Gold ltd (2010 - Today)
  • Director, co-founder of Golden Tapajós Ltda (2010 - 2011)
  • Director, co-founder of Majestic Diamonds & Metals inc (2004-Today)
  • Director, co-founder of Octa Mineração Ltda (2004-Today)
  • President, co-founder of BR Ferro S.A (2007-2011),
  • Executive Diretor, co-founder of Octa Ferro S.A. (2007-Today)
  • Executive Diretor, co-founder of Golden Tapajos LTDA (2008-Today)
  • Executive Director, co-founder of D10 Mineração LTDA (2006-today)
  • Director of BRAZIRON (2008 – 2013)
  • Sits on the Board of Majestic Diamonds & Metals Braziron, Octa Ferro AS,  Boa Vista Gold, O2iron and Jacobi Mineração
  • Executive Director and founder of AMAZON MINERAL EXPLORERS (1998-today}, GLOBALCONSULT (1981-today), INTERNET BRASÍLIA (2000-today),
  • Main executive and founder of O PORTAL DO GEÓLOGO - (2002-today) and BRAZILIAN MINERALS (1997-today).
  • General Exploration Manager for Brazil (1990 to '98) RTDM-RIO TINTO BRAZIL
  • Co-Founder and Executive of PROGEO Projetos de Geologia e Mineração (1986-1990)
  • Senior Consultant for Brazil (1982-86), for SHELL METALS - BILLITON
  • Senior Project Geologist (Van Roois Vley Mine-South Africa), (1979 to '82), SHELL METALS - BILLITON
  • Regional Manager 1977-1979 (Northern Transvaal-South Africa), SHELL METALS - BILLITON
  • Senior Regional Geologist 1976-1977(Brazil), SHELL METALS - BILLITON
  • Field, Project and Regional Geologist - CVRD-VALE- DOCEGEO  (1972 to '76)
  • Junior Geologist , TERRASERVICE/VALE  (1972)

Pedro was born in Porto Alegre/RS , Brazil

Línguas: FOREIGN LANGUAGES: English - fluent Spanish - advanced  

Outras informações relevantes: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

Pedro has more than 40 years experience in mineral exploration/mining with major international companies in Brazil and South Africa. He and his team were directly responsible for relevant mineral discoveries e.g. Pedra Branca/Nova Roma Tin District (1973->30,000tSn), Ibiajara Gold-Copper deposits (1977), Grassvaley-Plaat Reef Cu-Ni-PGM (1979), Bacajá Gold-copper Deposits (1982), Pará's Ilmenite (1990- >50Mt 62% TiO2), Ouro Roxo Gold (1993- >500,000oz Au@10g/t), Amapá Kaolin Deposits (1994- >12Mt delaminated), Pimenta Bueno diamondiferous Kimberlites,  Xingu Kaolin Deposits (1995- >200Mt coating and filler), Xingu Iron Deposits (1992), Ironwood Copper Belt (1995), São Jorge Gold (1995- 2Moz Au @ 1g/t), Palito Gold Deposit (1M Oz Gold), Tapajós Proterozoic Iron-Oxide Cu-Au Province (V3, V6...) containing the largest number of Proterozoic porphyry-gold deposits in Brazil(1998), Xingu Iron Deposit extension (2004), Urubu Iron (2006), F1 iron Deposits (2008), Maraba Nickel Deposit(2004), Monaco Nickel Deposit (2008), Boa Vista Gold Deposit (2010) and O2iron iron ore Deposits.

Pedro managed large diamond exploration programs in Brazil being directly responsible for the discovery of a number of diamondiferous kimberlite pipes and the first lamproites of Amazon.  His work and negotiation skills have positioned Rio Tinto as a leader exploration company in the Tapajós Gold Province in the Araguaia Copper Belt, Juína and Pimenta Bueno Diamond Provinces and other important areas in Brazil.

During his career Pedro used his skills to manage some of the largest mineral exploration programs in Brazil of a number of the most important Major Companies in the World such as, Vale, Billiton, Shell and Rio Tinto. His last assignment with majors was the US$9.4M multi-commodity successful exploration program (gold, diamonds, base-metals, titanium, iron, kaolin and coal) for Rio Tinto in Brazil from 1990 to 1998.

From 1998 onwards Pedro has devoted his time to the creation of new opportunities to his own companies.

His companies control important iron ore, gold, coal, base metals, industrial minerals and tungsten-rare-earths deposits in Brazil.

Books Published


His first successful book, 12.000 ANOS DE ABANDONO was published in Portuguese and English at the Amazon. The book is on top of the bestseller list for months in 2019, being #1 in Geologia, Arqueologia e Ciências Sociais e Descobertas da Hstória Mundial. 

Other books by Pedro Jacobi:



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