O Portal do Geólogo
15/11/2024 11:37:26

Christ was crucified in April 3, 33 AD, geologists say

Publicado em: 02/06/2012 10:58:00

A group of geologists performed an investigation, now published by the International Geology Review, which concluded that Jesus died on Friday, April 3, 33 AD, based on earthquake activity around the Dead Sea, some 20 kilometers away from Jerusalem. The team led by Jefferson Williams of Supersonic Geophysical, and colleagues from the German Research Center for Geosciences, studied soil samples from the beach of Ein Gedi Spa, textual accounts, geological records and astronomical data to find the most likely date for Jesus's death.

The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 27, says that as Jesus lay dying on the cross, an earthquake shook the area, scattering graves and making the sky go dark. The scientists identified signs of two earthquakes at the layers of built-up sediment. One is known to have happened in 31BC, and another one was detected which must have occured between 26AD and 36AD, the years when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea and when the earthquake of the Gospel of Matthew is historically constrained.

Jefferson Williams said the day and date of the crucifixion are known with a fair degree of precision - but the year has been in question. The clues found by the team of geologists were:

- All four gospels and Tacitus in Annals (XV,44) agree that the crucifixion occurred when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea from 26-36 AD;
- All four gospels say the crucifixion occurred on a Friday;
- All four gospels agree that Jesus died a few hours before the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath (nightfall on a Friday);
- The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) indicate that Jesus died before nightfall on the 14th day of Nisan; right before the start of the Passover meal;
- John’s gospel differs from the 'Synoptic Gospels'; apparently indicating that Jesus died before nightfall on the 15th day of Nisan.

The scientists said that these clues, combined with the Jewish calendar and astronomy clues, indicate that Friday April 3, 33 AD is the best possible match. A further clue in the gospels may also support this theory - three of the four canonical gospels report darkness from midday to 3pm on the day after the crucifixion. Williams said this could have been caused by a dust storm - and now he is searching the soil samples to see if he can find evidence of this as well.

Autor:   Pedro Jacobi - O Portal do Geólogo

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E, misteriosamente, depois de uma vida autossustentável com milhares de anos de uma história cheia de realizações eles simplesmente desapareceram — sem deixar rastros.
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O Portal do Geólogo    Editor: Geólogo Pedro Jacobi