Paradis, S., Simandl,G.,
MacIntyre, D., and Orris, G.J. (1998): Sedimentary-hosted,
Stratiform Barite, in Geological Fieldwork 1997, British Columbia Ministry
of Employment and Investment, Paper 1998-1, pages 24F-1 to 24F-4.
SYNONYM: Bedded barite.
Zn, Pb, Ag).
EXAMPLES (British Columbia (MINFILE #)-
Canada/International): Kwadacha (094F020), Gin (094F017), Gnome
(094F02E); Tea, Tyrala, Hess, Walt and Cathy (Yukon, Canada),Walton
(Nova Scotia, Canada), Fancy Hill (Arkansas, USA), Mountain Springs,
Greystone (Nevada, USA), Jixi and Liulin (China), Fig Tree and Mabiligwe (South
CAPSULE DESCRIPTION: Sedimentary-hosted,
stratiform or lens-shaped barite bodies, that may reach over ten metres in
thickness and several kilometres in strike length. Barite-rich rocks (baritites)
are commonly lateral distal equivalents of shale-hosted Pb-Zn (SEDEX)
deposits. Some barite deposits are not associated with shale-hosted Zn-Pb
TECTONIC SETTINGS: Intracratonic or
continental margin-type fault-controlled marine basins or half-grabens of
second or third order and peripheral foreland (distal to the continental
margin) basins.
SETTING: Deep, starved marine basins to shallow water shelves. The
barite-rich rocks (baritites) were deposited on the seafloor and commonly
grade laterally into either shale-hosted Pb-Zn (SEDEX) deposits which
formed closer to the submarine hydrothermal vents, or the more distal
cherts, hematite-chert iron formations, silica and manganese-enriched
AGE OF MINERALIZATION: Deposits are hosted
by rocks of Archean to Mesozoic ages but are most common in rocks of
Phanerozoic, especially in the mid to late Paleozoic age.
types hosting barite are carbonaceous and siliceous shales, siltstones,
cherts, argillites, turbidites, sandstones, dolomites and limestones.
DEPOSIT FORM: Stratiform or lens-shaped
deposits are commonly metres thick, but their thickness may exceed 50
metres. Their lateral extent may be over several square kilometres.
TEXTURE/STRUCTURE: The barite ore is
commonly laminated, layered or massive. Barite may form rosettes, randomly
oriented laths or nodules. Some of the barite deposits display breccias
and slump structures. In metamorphosed areas, barite may be remobilized (forming
veinlets) and/or recrystallized.
ORE MINERALOGY[Principal and subordinate]:
subordinate]: Quartz, clay, organic material, celsian, hyalophane,
cymrite, barytocalcite, calcite, dolomite, pyrite, marcasite,
sphalerite, galena, and in some cases witherite.
ALTERATION MINERALOGY: None in most cases.
Secondary barite veining. Weak to moderate sericitization reported in, or
near, some deposits in Nevada.
WEATHERING: Barite-rich exposures sometimes
create vegetation "kill zones".
ORE CONTROLS: Sedimentary depositional
environment is mainly half-grabens and basins of second or third order.
While Zn-Pb-barite (SEDEX) deposits may require euxinic environment to
stabilize sulphides, more oxidized depositional environment may be the key
for deposition of high-grade (nearly sulphide-free) barite deposits.
Syndepositional faults are extremely important for SEDEX deposits that are
commonly proximal to the vents, but may not be essential for all
sediment-hosted stratabound barite deposits.
GENETIC MODEL: Some stratiform barite
deposits form from hydrothermal fluids that exhaled on the seafloor and
precipitated barite and other minerals (sulphides, chert, etc.) as
chemical sediments. The chemical sediments change composition with
distance from the vent reflecting changes in temperature and other
parameters of the hydrothermal fluid as it mixed with seawater.
Barite-rich sediments can reflect hydrothermal fluids deficient in metals
(lack of base metals in the source rock or insufficient temperature or
unfavorable physical-chemical fluid conditions to carry base metals) or
discharge of hydrothermal fluids in a shallow marine environment that does
not favor precipitation of sulphides. Some of the sedimentary-hosted
barite deposits are interpreted as chemical sediments related to inversion
of stratified basin resulting in oxygenation of reduced waters. Others
formed by erosion and reworking of sub-economic chemical sediments (Heinrichs
and Reimer, 1977) or of semi-consolidated clays containing barite
concretions (Reimer, 1986), resulting in selective concentration of barite.
Zn-Pb deposits (E14), Irish-type massive sulphide deposits (E13),
sedimentary manganese deposits (F01) and vein barite deposits (I10). In
oxygen-starved basins, barite deposits may be stratigraphically associated
with black shales enriched in phosphates (F08), vanadium, REE and uranium
mineralization and possibly shale-hosted Ni-Mo-PGE (E16) deposits.
COMMENTS: There is a complete spectrum from
sulphide-rich to barite-rich SEDEX deposits. The Cirque deposit in British
Columbia, represents the middle of this spectrum and consists of
interlaminated barite, sphalerite, galena and pyrite. Its reserves are in
excess of 38.5 million tonnes averaging 8% Zn, 2.2% Pb, 47.2 g/tonne of Ag
and 45-50% barite. Witherite, a barium carbonate, occurs as an accessory
mineral in some barite deposits and rarely forms a deposit on its own.
There has been no commercial witherite production in the western world
since the mines in Northumberland, England closed. Recently, the Chengkou
and Ziyang witherite deposits have been discovered in China (Wang and Chu,
1994Witherite deposits may form due to severe depletion of seawater in SO-24
and enrichment in Ba (Maynard and Okita, 1991). Alternatively, these
deposits could have formed by high temperature replacement of barite by
witherite (Turner and Goodfellow,1990).
GEOCHEMICAL SIGNATURE: Barium enrichment on
the scale of the basin and other indicators of shale-hosted Zn-Pb
deposits, such as high values of Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu and Sr, in rock and stream
sediment samples. Strongly anomalous Ba values in stream sediments and
heavy sediments are only found in close proximity to barite mineralization
because barite abrades rapidly during stream sediment transportation. The
difference between 87Sr/86Sr ratios of barite and
coeval seawater may be used to distinguish between cratonic rift
(potentially SEDEX-related) barite occurrences and those of peripheral
foreland basins (Maynard et al.,1995).
correspond to a gravity-high.
tectonic and depositional setting. Proximity to known occurrences of
barite, shale-hosted SEDEX or Irish-type massive sulphide occurrences,
exhalative chert, hematite-chert iron formations and regional Mn marker
beds. Vegetation "kill zones" coincide with some barite occurrences.
from less than 1 to more than 25 million tonnes grading 30% to over 95%
barite with a median size of 1.24 million tonnes containing 87.7 % BaSO4
(Orris, 1992). Portions of some deposits may be direct shipping ore. ).
The Magcobar mine in the Silvermines district of Ireland produced 4.6 Mt
of 85% BaSO4 lump. Barite is produced at some metal mines, including the
Ramelsburg and Meggen (8.9 Mt) mines in Germany.
applications require high brightness and whiteness values and high-purity
products. There are different requirements for specific applications.
Abrasivity, grade of concentrate, color, whiteness, density and type of
impurities, oil index, water index, refractive index and base metal
content are commonly reported for commercially available concentrates.
Transportation cost, specific gravity and content of water-soluble
alkaline earth metals, iron oxides and sulphides are important factors for
barite used in drilling applications. Currently sulphide-free barite
deposits are preferred by the barite producers. Some of the barite on the
market is sold without complex upgrading. Selective mining and/or hand
sorting, jigging, flotation and bleaching are commonly required. It is
possible that in the future, due to technological progress, a substantial
portion of barite on the market will originate as by-product of metal
END USES: Barite is used mainly in drill
muds, also as heavy aggregate, marine ballast, a source of chemicals, a
component in ceramics, steel hardening, glass, fluxes, papers, specialized
plastics and radiation shields, in sound proofing and in friction and
pharmaceutical applications. Witherite is a desirable source of barium
chemicals because it is soluble in acid, but it is not suitable for
applications where inertness in acid environments is important..
IMPORTANCE: Competes for market with
vein-type barite deposits. Celestite, ilmenite, iron oxides can replace
barite in specific drilling applications. However the impact of these
substitutes is minimized by relatively low barite prices.
ACKNOWLDGMENTS: Reviews of the manuscript
by Dr. John Lydon of the Geological Survey of Canada and Dr. D.V. Lefebure
of the B.C. Geological Survey are appreciated.
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